Monday, February 21, 2022

Ukraine The Suez Crisis For Joe Joe Retardo

Putin just recognized the independence of the eastern part of the Ukraine, which is mostly populated by ethnic Russians as far as I understand it. The western part is oriented toward the EU and the US, and the east toward Russia.

The US is threatening Russia over this. The US is an overstretched evil empire run by trash, ghouls and psychopaths. It's like the British Empire near its demise. The US is really the reincarnation of the British Empire, and it's run by the same international finance mass murderers and thieves as the British Empire. The US was slowly poisoned over the past 100+ years culturally and economically by them, and the US empire is about to die. Good riddance. It's an evil empire, but it's going to suck the same way, or probably worse than the sucktastic end of the British Empire for people in England--massive currency devaluations, labor unrest, etc...

Here's my tea leaf reading--the EU will get sick of the United States meddling and heavy hand and tell the Biden administration to fuck off. They'll make a deal with Putin that ends in a peaceful solution for Ukraine, and probably ousts the puppet regime that's there (and they'll install a new puppet) and that will be it. The US time as the big evil empire will be over, like Britain's was after the Suez Crisis. Then all the financial implications will start unfolding.

The US has no muscle left, in spite of our huge military and parasitic weapons industry. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria were a massive waste of resources. The empire is purely destructive and has been a total clusterfuck my whole life.

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