Wednesday, August 4, 2021

What the Fuck Happened to Western People?

When I was growing up, my history teachers provided examples like Brutus to the class. The original King Killer Brutus, not the Julius Caesar Brutus. It's notable that the Roman Republic was book-ended by Brutuses... probably not an accident.

Anyway, Brutus was a bad ass who fought for freedom, like the American founders. A character like Paul Revere was praised and presented in heroic terms, as were people like Andrew Jackson.

There's always some shitty oligarchy or people who would be a king threatening freedom and they should be dealt with the way they always have been.

What happened to everyone else in the western world? Why are people a bunch of fags now? The people at my former job are fags. The people I went to college with are fags. They're slavish losers. I think my high school friends are probably not such fags.

Anyway, I guess we're about to get tested. Are we going to be slaves and knuckle under to a bunch of petty corporate tyrants and oligarch ghouls or are we going to be free?

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