Saturday, August 28, 2021

Inept, Corrupt "Experts"

Throughout my adult life, the USA has been fighting and losing stupid wars abroad and raising a clique of bureaucrats to untouchable godlike status. This has culminated in total failure in Afghanistan, and the fucking retarded covaids nonsense. A pharmaceutical cartel just plundered a trillion dollars to make some crap that hardly works--in their minds, and the minds of countless brainwashed retards, they're going to keep plundering trillions of dollars a year for a subscription service of periodic injections that give people flu-like symptoms or worse to avoid flu-like symptoms.

The media protects these inept, corrupt "experts" and brainwashes and hypnotizes enough people that this tiny clique can continue robbing the country even as it collapses. The media manufacturers the "appearance" of competence by showing some dumb mobsters on the screen wearing a suit and saying uncontested lies to reporters who don't have the balls to ask hard questions.

We're at the hard-end of this road. It really can't continue so it won't. How much worse can it get thought?

Unfortunately, quite a bit. There's 100% chance that Joe Biden gets chucked in the fuck-it bucket. Then we get retard commie Kamala as fake president. She'll be 100x worse than creamed corn brain joe. She's more of a puppet than he ever was. Things will unravel at warp speed with some harpie, scamming commie in power in DC. I think that'll be it for the US.

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