Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Time To Reset Them

The enclosure movement in England was one obvious historical "reset". The "nobles" changed the rules of the economic game to their benefit and to the great detriment of the mass of people. Enclosure went on for centuries.

We're experiencing a similar reset today, except the enclosure is going to be around individuals who are completely controlled by a corporate communist system run by computers supposedly. The mass of humanity will have a minimalist life with no luxury, while the "nobles" will still be jetting around and driving their mega-yachts.

That's what's all this bullshit about covaids is about. It's past obvious at this point. As of today, the pharma companies are rolling out boosters for their 5 month "effective" concoctions. They are claiming these boosters are for the "variants" of the covaids. How in the hell did they prove the effectiveness of these boosters? It's completely implausible that they did. It's just an outright lie.

The "great and the good" are changing the game underneath people's feet just like in the enclosure movement era.

The peasantry never know how to act strategically. They're not organized. That's why they get screwed over and over again.

There's two options--reboot the economy in place and overthrow the old order so it's amenable to the people. Or mass slaughter either of the peasants or the dirtbag nobles. Is either side really that great? That's a good question. The "nobles" are really the mirror image of the people. Gluttonous beyond measure as an individual. Their claims to be doing this reset for "the earth" or whatever cause are bullshit.

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