Thursday, August 19, 2021

How are People Still Political Partisans?

It seems like the debacle in Afghanistan is going to be a long and drawn out affair where the failures of the United States government over the past twenty years will become poignantly obvious to everyone around the world.

During that time both completely crappy political parties in the USA have been in charge supposedly. Both pushed plans that led to the failure in Afghanistan. However, there are still political partisans.

The blue team wants to save face for the corrupt, incompetent old fool Joe Biden and his crap administration. The red team thinks it would do a "better job" at squandering american's lives and resources defending the opium fields for the CIA drug smugglers for countless years.

Both parties suck. The entire establishment is a pile of garbage. It gets demonstrated more and more clearly with each passing day. A bunch of corrupt old hippies and dumb boomers sank the US empire. The empire should never have existed in the first place. Almost every choice the US government made since like 1898 has been the exact wrong one. When there was a moral choice to be made, the government always chose evil. When there was a practical, economic, or pragmatic choice to be made the government always chose pie in the sky scams.

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