Sunday, October 18, 2020

Watching the "News"

 Last night, we went out to dinner and sat at the bar. The national "news" broadcast was on instead of college football. 75% of it was "covid 19" fear porn that was mixed with partisan political propaganda. That's probably the first time in 10 years that I watched any crappy mainstream news.

I thought overall viewership of cable and broadcast TV was way down. Somehow, though, that propaganda leaks into the culture.

The people who aren't watching the stream of shit from NYC have a completely different view of covid-19. Those people have to contextualize the information for themselves; consequently, they don't think it's a very big deal, because it's not. The rest of the people who are hysterically afraid seem insane--because they are.

One quick way to protect yourself from the mainstream propaganda is to realize those people aren't lying they're liars. They don't have any truth to share at all.

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