Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Worst People are In Governments

The normal, average people have capabilities and skills that are scorned by popular culture and media people.

A normal person has self doubt, and lack of certainty about their beliefs. A lack of certainty is a super power. If you're uncertain and doubtful, you're capable of learning and correcting yourself.

Contrast the typical, normal person's attitude to life with that of a politician or a TV talking head actor. The politician pretends to be absolutely certain about everything. In almost every circumstance in any room full of people any politician would be the least knowledgeable person on any topic except scamming and conning.

The skills and knowledge required to carry out almost any profession, even those the media deems lowly, like manual labor professions, require skill and knowledge, and those skills and knowledge connect the practitioner to concepts and knowledge of the whole in very deep fundamental ways.

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