Friday, October 2, 2020

Fork in the Road of Life


Well, looks like the "western world" is dead as a door nail. It's probably been that way for a long time, so the event itself is not much of a shock, however, the realization is.

If you have an iota of discernment, you can see that covid is a huge fraud, of sufficient breadth to incorporate the fake president of the corporation of the United States of America in its script.

Once you realize it's a scam, you can see how we're on a vast sea of cattle like retarded people who will believe anything and be prompted to do anything by some malignant handlers. They have no moral compass and the vast, vast majority wouldn't be able to tell you which literal direction is north or south, east nor west. Discerning up or down might eventually fade.

If there's no going along with that herd, then what's the option? It seems like the Amish people have a viable strategy. I'm not sure what other groups really do. Unplug from the matrix and get someplace more rural and start over? I guess that's the only option.

I'm not sure if we currently live in a place that's safe from the sea of meat/river of retards that the western world is now composed of. It's pretty close, but if it's a river, we're precariously close to the banks in our current property.

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