Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Covid Fraud is Evil

We're born to learn. That's true of every creature and every thing on this planet. Think about how even your skeleton "learns" and adapts. Minerals like calcium can "learn" and grow. It's really amazing. The thing that "I" am is really a colony of trillions of cells and bacteria in my gut. That bacteria is probably inherited and learns and adapts. Our language using consciousness is really just a tiny tip of a vast iceberg.

Civilization, especially the oligarchic and top-down controlled versions of it stifle learning and life really so a handful of parasites can indulge their fantasies and whims. A totalitarian nation like North Korea epitomizes this. By keeping a population afraid and dependent, they prevent any growth or learning from nature itself. They're kept in a bubble of fraud and lies their entire life.

The covid fraud is the latest scam in a long line of scams like "global warming" and the cold war, and many others. WWI was previously the dumbest thing that has ever happened--The United States involvement in it was stupidity squared. I think covid-19 is even dumber, though.

People are afraid of a ghost story to the point that they wear a fucking mask even when they're walking at a park. They can't think or adapt or grow. Their children are being trained for slavery.

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