Sunday, September 22, 2019

The People The System Promotes are Trainwrecks

While I was still on twitter several new celebrities suddenly started showing up on social media and YouTube all at the same time. One of them was Jordan Peterson. I didn't pay any attention to the guy and only made a mental note that his sudden notoriety was weird. Now the guy ends up in rehab with a big publicity story around that. I'm not going to research it. I don't care. He's not important.

He's an interesting example of how the "system" promotes people who are inevitably deeply flawed in some way. Perhaps the desire to be famous and keep taking the steps to be famous is like a filter that selects a certain type of person. Or maybe it's nepotism and cronyism that drives the fake notoriety of a tiny group of people with the same severely inbred family tree and they all suffer from the same afflictions and desire to perform like little monkeys.

Regardless, the system promotes people that advance it. Everyone whose a public celebrity, especially the "academic"/"intellectual" types work for the system, not themselves. They actually don't have ideas of their own per se. They have ideas that correspond to what the system wants or needs.

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