Friday, September 27, 2019

Contempt: An Emotion That Precedes Action

The promotion of trannies as super important is the weirdest public meme thing I've seen in my life. It's a tiny portion of the population. The whole subject is trite, and superficial in the extreme. It's a life of playing dress up. It's a basis for a million dopey hollywood productions. Now the same people are trying to turn it into top flight drama? It's impossible to take it seriously.

I suppose if it's as coordinated as it appears to be that's really the point--it's sort of a low grade attempt at mass humiliation to provoke a response. At the corporation I work for, for example, employees had a "course"--just some shitty video--that included gender "identity" as a topic, complete with the absurd pronoun choice bullshit. At that moment any respect I had for the business vaporized.

Contempt for institutions, especially for the government, is a liberating emotion. It really means the status quo is done. 

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