Saturday, September 7, 2019

Initiation into Foolishness

Intelligence seems to be a human characteristic like height or hair color. Wisdom, on the other hand, is mostly gained through hard experience and reflection. The vast bulk of pop culture seems to be aimed at denigrating and obscuring wisdom and guides people into foolishness and vapid materialism. There are not many characters that portray wisdom in movies and TV shows. One character I can think of is Jack Bartlett on the TV show Heartland.

All the satanic secret societies seem to be purely and militantly materialistic. Wisdom, on the other hand, seems to be almost entirely about understanding what endures and seeing man's part in the whole. It necessarily diminishes materialism and the culture of "seeming".

Wisdom is tied to agricultural life and nature in the western world. Satanic materialism is part and parcel of the city life and the world of lies. The satanists today think they can unlock the secrets of the natural world and live forever like hedonist kings. The dark hero archetype in movies and TV shows is an expression of sincere doubt in satanic materialism. Even his victories are hollow.

Heartland is pretty remarkable because it's anti-materialistic. It's pretty unusual for products of the Beast system to guide people away from feeding the Beast. The characters who chase money and status in the show are all miserable. The characters who pursue virtue and home life, and pass on the pursuit of vanity are happy.

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