Monday, July 15, 2019

Super Corruption: Blackmail Rings and "Billionaires"

I "followed" the NXIVM case for a while. The story didn't really make any sense. A sex cult somehow sucked in a bunch of Hollywood (really Vancouver) actresses and a "Billionaire" jewish lady (Bronfman) helped bankroll the whole thing. Then Epstein was busted, again, and in the news again, and his ties with another Jewish "Billionaire" came out (Wexner). These blackmail/pedo rings were tied into organized crime, and have many connections with Trump and other political figures like Bubba and Hillary Clinton. Both the Trumps and Clintons are married into New York families who have a parent sitting in jail for similar crimes.

I doubt Trump is a victim of their blackmail, but I think he's one of "them". Who are these people? You could spend years researching it and lay it all out. You could label it organized crime, the "jews", Babylon, fungus in a rotting log, or whatever. It really doesn't matter.

There are so many researchers trying to lay this stuff all out--they're doing a better job at it than I ever would. It's interesting, sure, but even if you defined it all and had reasonable knowledge about what's going on... if you knew Epstein had killed a bunch of kids and had "Internet proof", would it really matter? Probably not. It's weird that he was hired by the current Attorney General's Father. It's "They Live" in real life.

The way to beat these people is to ignore them, and realize how they operate. They glom onto human vices and appetites. They're attached to everything from porn to candy to booze and beer.

I currently wonder if the Roman Empire collapsed due to rot, or if the decent, functional people did a classical era Atlas Shrugged/White Flight and just walked away from this Babylonian Cesspool.

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