Sunday, July 21, 2019

Are The Masons A Tranny Cult?

I used to think the tranny conspiracy was so dumb, but the YouTube channel "Transpocalypse" has mostly changed my mind, mainly because it's so god damn retarded, and has the ring of truth. It's like a retarded bell.

MrE's video on the "Chemical Wedding" is really very timely. This concept is something I read about years ago, and then have read 100 different takes on since. None of the interpretations go for the obvious, literal interpretation of the concept. The "modern" sane take is it's a union of the intellect and the unconscious mind. It never crossed my mind that the "literal" take, that it's the union of two sexes into an androgyne, was the esoteric teaching.

Masonry seems like a cult for homosexuals. It's not such a stretch of the imagination to guess that's what it's original purpose was. All of the symbolism and scientology style levels of teaching and initiation go a long way to hiding it. A men's only secret club sworn to secrecy...

The crowning achievement of a gay cult would be "reproduction" "without" women. I think they tried various ways to do that, from the psychopathic pedo rapists traumatizing children, and maybe producing additional, empty, totally broken people to be in their cult, to literal breeding programs. All this insanity would have to be done in secret, even in the debauched times of today.

The concept of the chemical wedding to produce the androgynous "star child" is a common trope in modern sci fi. Battlestar Galactica and the current Netflix series "Stranger Things" springs to mind. The main character of that show might be some kind of clone, or kid whose been trannified by mad scientist psycho cultists.

While one part of me hears the clarion call of some Valhalla horn blowing and a desire to burn Babylon to the ground for the 100th time, an even stronger call is to abandon these people to their madness so they can crawl up their sacred asshole. How long ago did the Amish abandon Babylon--like 500+ years. They're doing pretty well. Their approach is the only sane one.

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