Saturday, January 14, 2017

Cults are the Norm

Catherine (L) and India (R) Oxenberg
Who is Stuck in a Sex Cult NXIVM
People seem made to belong to a tribe, but civilization has blotted out tribal society in the Western world. Any rivals to the power centers in capital cities are subverted, undermined and co-opted. Even the smallest, least significant movements get that treatment. Self-determination or group determination are stymied. You stay on the script and go to work and shop, or reject that life and either live like an Amish person or end up homeless.

Various cons and schemes pop up as substitute tribes. Brand cults, like Apple or Tesla fill that need. Organizations like the Masons, Churches attempt to fill that need. Sports team fandom attempts to fill that need. Gold and Silver salesmen capitalize on that need. Alt-media personalities also capitalize on that need. Lots of apparently intelligent, curious people believe Cliff High can predict the future by looking at internet text.

Social intelligence is the norm. That is, people evaluate what's true, what's real, likely, or what's desirable by their social context. Maybe it's not really possible to do anything different.

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