Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Summary and Direction Change

I'm going to make an effort to drop the culture war critique stuff and make this blog much more positive... In fact, I might call it done and move my focus to the Red Squirrel Farm Blog. I do want to put a bitchute channel together, too, but I'm neck deep in projects as is, and it's pretty hard to imagine adding more projects to the mix.

Anyway, I think the way I'd summarize the contents of this blog so far is it's an attempt to recover what was lost. The western, and specifically in my case, the American culture got traded for trinkets over the past several decades. It's disingenuous to blame globalists or "jews" or whatever. People, including me and my family, were complacent and careless. TV and consumer culture seemed innocuous, but are actually pretty poisonous. The time we all spent watching TV shows and chasing after garbage was wasted and detrimental. The cultural institutions we had, rotted and were corrupted and so were abandoned, and that's really too bad. We're all standing on a pile of ashes, but we didn't notice it all burn down.

Our task is really to rebuild actual American culture and civilization. The ersatz culture of Hollywood and New York aren't American. The globalist, cosmopolitan culture is even more fake. While culture is blogs and books and YouTube channels, local culture, actual people is way more important.

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