Saturday, January 12, 2019

Flipping the Current Day Relationship Between People and Institutions

The wave of discontent with the corporate/banker western world is currently sloshing over France and seems to be picking up momentum and intensity. It's somewhat surprising that it's taken so long for the middle class people in the west to react to the worldwide corporate oligarchy known as "globalism". The main problem is the central institutions in most western countries are, at this point, overtly hostile to their own populations. This is a pretty common pattern, of course, in history, but what's novel today is that the countries in the west are representative democracies, but now they represent oligarchs and corporations rather than their own people.

The corporate imperialism of globalism is in the very early days of being superseded by the Internet. The dispossessed middle class people of the west are probably ripe for a sort of new religious revival and the corresponding creation of a new set of institutions that actually serve their interests instead of fuck them over and reduce their lives to an endless run on the hamster wheel.

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