Sunday, January 20, 2019

Will "Left Wing" (aka bankster establishment) Divide and Conquer Tactics Totally Backfire?

The latest left wing outrage mob mental breakdown was based on a completely fraudulent clickbait story promoted by propaganda/clickbait rags like the Guardian. The Covington High School story was debunked almost immediately by alt-media sites on the "left" and "right", and almost as quickly, the shitty tech corporations like google took down some stories that weren't promoting the lies.

While these tactics do fool some normies, they seem much more effective at undermining whatever is left of the credibility of the corporate media and serve as brief practical classes in counter-intelligence and subversion tactics. Before the Internet and the ability to quickly distribute video and audio media, it made sense to invest millions of dollars of resources in this type of propaganda, but it probably doesn't make any sense, now.

It also shows how contemptible the shit people are behind these tactics. Slandering a bunch of high school students is about as low as one can get.

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