Monday, January 21, 2019

Covington High School Video--A Turning Point

One of the best scenes of the 1982 movie Conan The Barbarian is when Conan confronts Thulsa Doom and defeats him. Doom makes a great speech about how he was Conan's real father precisely because he'd toughened and strengthened Conan through adversity. (like the Johnny Cash song "A Boy Named Sue")

Doom is the embodiment of the world of lies. He's a trickster, con man, and murderer who is worshiped by a corrupt flower-child cult.

Conan surpasses Doom physically, but more importantly, by changing and growing his consciousness and understanding. Thulsa Doom's lie stops working and Conan chops his head off and unceremoniously chucks it at the cult members in a sort of reversal of Thulsa Doom's explanation to the answer of the "Riddle of Steel" koan.

I think this Covington High School incident is a turning point in modern-day US media propaganda. It's such a stark fail for the mainstream media, who ran with a totally incorrect story, which was then amplified by shrieking lefty partisans on social media, and was then immediately and resoundingly debunked in an almost comical reversal. (My inner conspiracy theorist wonders if the whole thing was staged to produce this exact outcome. The "Black Israelites" or whatever they're called seem like a fake, professional trolling troupe.) This might be the incident that snaps a lot of people out of the post 2016 election funhouse world into actual reality, and does severe and lasting damage to an already damaged MSM.

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