Sunday, December 23, 2018

Globalism: Worldwide Elite Imperialism

I got my first real professional job in the early 1990s. The company I worked for had been recently purchased by a large French conglomerate and was in the early stages of moving some local production facilities to India.

The people who were tasked with setting up the factory in India weren't eager about doing it and saw it as pointless, and a betrayal of their fellows. The jobs that were being eliminated were skilled labor jobs, but were some of the lower paying jobs in that company, so the amount that would be saved and returned to the company shareholders and management was pretty meager compared to the initial investment in the new facilities and also the inevitable decline in quality that came from replacing a skilled and trained pool of workers with a brand new unskilled pool of workers. Anyway, many years later, long after I left, that company basically imploded after a series of missteps and low cost competition from abroad. Live by the sword, etc...

Many manufacturing businesses in the USA and around the world were doing the same thing at the same time. They were helped along by recently passed laws and treaties that were abandoning what the LaRouche people call "the American System" in favor of something that resembled the British Empire, which always was a corporate empire.

The elites of this empire are a rando hodgepodge of business lizards of every nationality who absorb credit from the money printing banks while they and their patronage networks espouse left wing politics.

This isn't unique. It's happened over and over in history. Maybe it's just the result of a long period of stability of every kind. The "elites" with a monopoly on government positions and trade snuggle up with one another against the great unwashed hoardes of their home countries.

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