Monday, December 26, 2022

Theodore Kaczynski and Dylan Mulvaney

A few months ago I read somewhere that Ted K the Unibomber seriously considered tranny surgery. I was surprised by that. Ted K presents himself as nature boy, and gender mutilation surgery is exactly the opposite of being nature boy. I filed that fact away in my memory and went on about my business.

Recently, I've been watching some reaction video YouTubers. One channel is "Odin's Men". He makes funny videos about the lefty zoo on TikToc and other social media. One of the regular topics he covers is Dylan Mulvaney, a dude who's been working toward gender Frankenstein surgery for the past year or more. He's currently getting chopped up.

I watched about 10 seconds of a gender surgery video. It's nightmare fuel. It's amazing there are doctors who are willing to do it. I doubt they are adequately informing the patients about the outcomes of the surgeries. I think the number of people who would go through with it after learning all about the surgery would be tiny. In a nutshell, they slice the penis in half, drill a larger hole in the pelvis and turn the penis inside out. That's the "vagina" simulation. All kinds of complications arise. It doesn't really even work for some people and their body heals the wound.

Anyway, after hearing crazy Dylan, and other fruitloops ramble about their gender and pronouns I realized they really are like Ted K after all. They're particular forms of idealists.

Ted K saw the world was fucked, blamed it on technology, and sought to come up with a solution to the problem. He wrote a manifesto and publicized it by killing randos who work for the system. I think his analysis of the system is basically correct, but his conclusion is kind of dumb, even though he has a really high IQ, supposedly. There's not really a way to destroy "technology". Sharpened sticks are technology. Rocks are technology. I do agree with his conclusion about tech--it'll cause a mega catastrophe eventually. The system will just destroy itself, it really already is, ironically because it's run by Ted Kaczynski types.

He's an example of a person who's gotten lost, completely and totally in his internal Matrix world. He lost touch with nature and reality in general. He's not nature boy at all. He's a total product of the system, which is a psychopathic, anti-nature thing. I think he wanted to purge that from himself, but he ended up thinking it was an external entity. He lashed out at targets of opportunity in a futile waste of effort and lives.

Dylan and other trannies (aka troons) also get lost in their inner world Matrix after a rejection of 3D reality. They lash out at their own body. They're in some weird co-dependant relationship with freaks like John Mooney, the original quack doctor god of the troon community.

Anyway, there's nothing to do about any of this. People like Dylan and Ted are like the check engine light on the dashboard of the car of civilization.

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