Sunday, December 4, 2022

Jew Zelensky wants to ban the Russian Orthodox Church

 The Ukraine war is stupid in almost every way. It looks like some stupid Jew beef against Russians. Psycho jews think they need "revenge" or whatever for things that happened 1000 years ago? Something like that? Or maybe its just good for the scum in Washington DC and other capitals to have a war so they can put more cash in their pockets. 

Anyway, the Ukraine's dork jew "president" who looks like a midget or maybe a FTM tranny wants to ban the Russian Orthodox church. There are millions of Ukrainians, apparently who are Russian Orthodox.

Here's a story from the Jew york times trying to spin it in a rational way for white liberal retards who vaguely remember it's bad for the state to mess with church and religious beliefs.


I really don't get this one. Seems like a complete losing proposition all 'round for Ukraine's dopey government.

By the way, I'm not "pro Russian". I think every government is trash. It'd be great if the Russians and Ukrainian people just shook hands and agreed "to hell with them" on their shit governments.

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