Monday, December 26, 2022

Neighbor Vaxx Side Effects

We live adjacent to a large park with an extensive trail system. I regularly run into neighbors on the trails and am friends with some of them.

One of my neighbors had a mass growing in her forearm. At first the doctors thought it was a hemotoma--even though she didn't smack her arm on anything. I guess House MD wasn't available that day. The problem persisted though and it became painful. Doctors did a biopsy and found muscle cells were growing out of control. (this is the second hand account I heard from my neighbor, obviously. I didn't hear this from the doctor myself)

The muscle grew (not cancer) and pinched nerves and blood vessels. Anyway, they operated and removed the entire mass.

The doctor told her it might be from her covid vaccine. I was kind of surprised by that speculation by the doctor. I don't know my neighbor well enough to know if she'd embellish the events of her medical drama. Overall, though, she seems pretty honest and frank about her life and things she experiences.

Anyway, I thought it was noteworthy.

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