Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Dog Food Scarcity

My family has always owned pet dogs, and there's always been dog food in the house. In 45 years of sentience, I can't remember a scarce dog food situation, but it's a commonplace thing now.

What exactly is going on there? I don't really know. There are other random shortages in the grocery store, too, but the dog food one is kind of strange. There are several brands, but for all I know there might only be a couple of factories for the whole USA.

The USA is hugely in debt. The debt is really a bunch of plans about the future--like the US federal government plan to build 500,000 electric car chargers... while there are food and fuel shortages. There really might not be enough stuff or people to meaningfully carry out all the stupid plans of the corporations and the government.

How many different electric car or truck or vehicle companies are there right now? I would guess there are at least 20. There's probably not enough copper or metals like lithium to build all those future cars. Copper stockpiles are rapidly dwindling, for example, and are at a 50 year low; at the same time basic energy supplies are low too, so what's going to power the mining equipment around the world.

The various green energy plans are super resource intensive.

What's more important the "elite's" pie in the sky projects or food and fuel?

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