Thursday, June 9, 2022

Centrally Planned

The US economy isn't centrally planned, but the structure was "designed" and that design affected everything from corporations to the financial system to schooling. Schools were setup to produce a certain type of person to be a corporate employee. There were several architects of these plans over the decades. Influential people in think tanks affiliated with the wealthiest families promoted their ideas heavily until they became a consensus point of view.

When I was in high school in the 1980s I read articles in popular magazines about restructuring the US economy, really the world economy, into the neoliberal system. Authors argued that the US should do high tech manufacturing, like building airplanes and computers, and consumer products and cars should be made overseas where labor is cheap. Of course, that's exactly what happened. It wasn't a conspiracy, it was a plan.

As a part of that plan, some students, like me, were steered toward tech jobs in school, and also with Hollywood propaganda. Stupid movies like Revenge of the Nerds or Weird Science and Real Genius made it seem like there would be a big payoff for studying obscure subjects in high school and college. Other movies depicted tech and computers as magic and powerful, even though at the time they were kind of lame and useless.

The current economic system isn't the organic outgrowth of people's needs and interests. It's basically a game that was imposed on billions of individuals. The 1970s through now economy, the neoliberal economy, squished the working class people in the western countries. The mechanism is really simple--"investment" in high tech came from debt, rather than "capital", and the wealthy people paid themselves first. So when a company took a loan to movie a factory overseas, for example, the CEO pocketed $1M from that financial activity, the other executives pocketed $100k, some engineers and scientists pocketed $1000, and the factory workers who would soon be laid off got an Arby's coupon at the company picnic.

The system that the WEF is currently promoting is even worse than the neoliberal system. It's corporate computer communism, essentially. It's pure central planning. So the managerial class that implemented the prior system with debt to meet theoretical market demand will now just follow orders from the top of the pyramid down.

People can see this system coming, because the plans are publicized every day. People could also see the neoliberal system coming for the same reason; they also realized back in the 1980s that it would suck. Ross Perot ran a nearly successful presidential campaign as a third party as an opponent of the neoliberal system.

The opposition to the neoliberal system was entirely ineffective, obviously. The US and world economy were restructured and the financial system ran buck wild, and now the system is ending so that people are forced into the WEF communist system. The US government is totally infiltrated and controlled at this point, as are many other governments around the world; any politician using the phrase "build back better" is a puppet of the globalists.

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