Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Oligarch War

It's pretty clear to me that the oligarchy is waging war on all of us. Who's the oligarchy? I don't know exactly, but they are the people that seem to completely control western governments like the US and Britain and all the EU countries.

Here's an interesting article about how the UK is about to roll out more GMO food. It's very clear that the oligarchs want to replace the entire food supply system with a monopoly corporate controlled system. Bill Gates, for example, owns some company called BioMilq or whatever that produces artificial breast milk. One of his underlings is the CEO of that company. It's all through his tax shelter foundation.

The idea is factory produced food is miraculously more efficient and better than the natural products. That's just propaganda nonsense, but a bunch of people will get convinced it's true, and government lackeys will do their bit to subsidize, promote, and regulate competition out of existence.

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