Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Bill Gates "Calculates"

 Recently Bill Gates said:

“Or it [the next plandemic] could be something that makes the leap from the natural world. The human population is growing and we are invading more and more ecosystems. That is why I calculate that there is a 50% chance that we will have a pandemic of natural origin in the next 20 years, as a consequence of climate change,” he added.

How would a person "calculate" that? What a clown show. People just accept it. If the interviewer asked, "Oh really! How did you calculate that?" Gates would have stammered. It's not even an issue of a lack of credentials--such a calculation is just not possible. What's the basis for it? If it's an entirely novel scenario, there's literally no model for it, and if there is it's just made up anyway.

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