Sunday, July 4, 2021

Mycchorhizal Fungi Compared With Corporations and Governments

It's a really good question why and how human beings ended up being dominated by the worst trash people all throughout history. In nature, that really just can't happen. A really unbalanced scenario just doesn't persist. If the fungi in the forest tried to "scam" the trees, for example they'd just die.

With that scenario in mind, why does every government turn to shit? Why does every corporation turn into a scam? Many large charities, for example, are just scams where a tiny fraction of their income goes toward charitable endeavors. I think most publicly traded corporations are just some variation on the theme of Enron. Companies like Apple shifted work overseas to avoid regulations to protect workers and the environment even as they wave the gay pride flag and claim to be "green". Companies in the 60's and 70's spewed toxic shit directly into the environment, etc... The list is really endless.

Compare those scenarios with nature's versions of economy and cooperation. Mycorrhizal fungi, for example, form an association with plant roots and form a network among plants in a garden or trees in a forest. The plant shares sugar with the fungi, and the fungi help supply water and nutrients to the plants. They form a network that enables a sort of communication and sharing between the plants as well.

The fungi and plants have a mutually beneficial relationship and form what amounts to an economy. However, it's an economy in the mode of nature--it just is. There's no tertiary layer of resource planning or optimization, it just is. The human economy is riddled with parasitism and predatory behavior and inevitably tends toward collapse.

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