Friday, July 16, 2021

It's an All Out War

Western governments are working to destroy the way of life of all their citizens under the guise of climate change and covid. It's an as-yet undeclared war by the top of the pyramid on everyone else.

The European Union has insane "climate" goals. They're trying to eliminate internal combustion engine cars by 2035! Do any of the car dealership owners or mechanics who have their own shops, or do any farmers with tractors really believe that's going to happen? Do they realize they're going to be saddled with an enormous tax burden to build out infrastructure, or be slapped with punitive taxes to try to prevent them from using fossil fuels?

We're all sleep walking toward some really shitty future in the western world. Individual states like California are basically part of the European Union agenda. Do any of the citizens in that state that routinely has rolling blackouts and that has the most expensive electricity in the country feel prepared to completely change their house and their whole set of vehicles to meet these mandates?

It's bizarre.

A lot of liberals think they want those plans to happen--but only from the point of view of facebook posting to look good to their friends. They really don't believe those mandates and plans will massively adversely affect their lives.

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