Thursday, July 22, 2021

Joe Biden = Boris Yeltsin

 I did this same post several months ago. The duration of time between the posts is an indication of my lack of interest in political "reporting" about the DC cesspit. I just ignore Joe Biden. The "left" seems like it's gone completely insane, so I've been ignoring them too.

Nothing is going to fix the federal government. It's like an engine that blew a head gasket and is getting ready to throw a rod. It's 100% corrupt and useless. All the politicians are actors at best. They're all controlled. Nobody is more controlled and fake than Biden. The apparatchiks who are attached to the government are the dumbest, least capable people from your college classes--none of them would be capable of fixing the simplest machine, but they're currently tasked with managing the affairs of a huge nation.

Biden is America's Boris Yeltsin. The children and counsins of the people who plundered Russia are now plundering the United States and destabilizing the country completely with the help of "covid" hysterics.

If the average person was a touch frostier the country might survive with some minor economic setbacks and financial re-adjustment, but I think we're in for an extremely rough patch in the coming months. The cretins and traitors in high positions would be chucked in the fuck-it-bucket and we'd reboot the financial system from the ground up, but that's basically impossible unfortunately. So we're in for a rough ride as this POS system shakes apart.

A very large portion of the population has totally written off DC. There's partisan republicans and MAGA people specifically who think President Cream Corn Brain is illegitimate. About 50% of the country thinks the covaids juice is poison. The government isn't going over the top on forcing people to take it, yet, but corporate/institutional america is falling all over itself to sell big pharma products like demon girl scouts. Every employee who walks out the door, or just checks out mentally is going to contribute to disruptions in the house-of-cards supply chains.

Can this shit show continue indefinitely? I don't think so. I'm not sure what causes it to really go off the rails, but it seems more plausible that's going to happen as each day goes by.

I can only think of a couple of fast tracks to collapse:

1. Mandatory vaccines--that's pulling the pin on a grenade. It's all over.

2. A major overseas imperial conflict where the US actually loses an all out battle.

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