Tuesday, March 30, 2021

vaccine passports are insane

The Covid-19 story is unfolding in a way that only so-called conspiracy theorists were worrying about a year ago. A gullible, passive public is being led by con men into an electronic gulag under the pretext of protecting people from the flu.

The federal government and some state governments are now pushing the idea of vaccine passports.This is an attack on the most basic god-given right. Freedom of movement. Literally millions of people died fighting against this sort of thing over the centuries.

The tyrants that everyone thought had been vanquished are back, and they're not in some country overseas. They right here. They're in both political parties and in state capitals across the country. They're in NGOs. They're on TV on a daily basis.

While they're currently avoiding overt conflict and the use of force, the soft serve tyranny of lies and manipulation will lead to the same result as tanks rolling into the town square. We will steadily lose our liberty, and our ability to provide for our families, and our ability to pursue happiness.

I would never have guessed that so many Americans were so weak, passive, and gullible as they seem to be. As a nation, we've probably had it easy for such a long time that we forgot what it means to assert ourselves and protect our way of life.

I think we've been way too lax in the United States and allowed the worst people with the worst motives lead us astray as a nation again and again. For example, over my lifetime hundreds of thousands of innocents were killed in vile wars for the vile causes of vile people. Trillions of dollars of resources were wasted on nonsense and funneled into the hands of a few, and now we're experiencing this covid fraud and an attempt to rescind the most basic freedoms because of a cold virus.

A vaccine passport is literal fascism, communism or whatever authoritarian system this current mess is--it's a fusion of state and corporate power to cement the control of a small group of people over the many.

It's really, really unfortunate that people didn't speak up and fight back months ago. It would have been much easier.

The wait and see approach is no longer viable. The go along to get along approach is no longer viable. The vaccine passports are completely and totally unacceptable. Nobody should give the smallest fraction of an inch of territory on it. In fact, there should be ferocious and immediate push back across the board and all of the people who have been involved in laying the groundwork for this war-by-other-means should be ejected from any position of authority or position of trust.

It's the duty of every free man to oppose this tyranny with utmost ferocity. That's what America is supposed to be about.

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