Wednesday, March 3, 2021


The economic situation in the US is pretty weird, right now.

The government/banks are printing money hand over fist. The real economy is very stalled out. Lots of people have no job and their sole income is funny money from the Great Satan. The stock market is way up and other financial assets are at all time super duper highs, e.g. various shitcoins.

Inflation is just starting to gallop. Lumber, steel, and other basic commodities are very pricey. Supply disruptions from covid bullshit are starting to cause prices to climb in random consumer items.

The "markets" (aka the casino) are looking like they're setup to crash hard. It seems like a greater-fool-ponzi scheme market like in the dot com days. I knew a few paper millionaires in those days who lost nearly everything. I imagine that'll repeat.

It seems like this round of disease bogeyman fear is passing. States like Texas are lifting their retarded restrictions. Other states will follow suit. Of course, the dummies who fell for it the first time around are primed for the next dose of fear porn propaganda. I guess they'll ramp the nonsense up every flu season now that people are trained for it like some fucking farm animals.

I think they've got the Weimar inflation recipe cooking now. No production, and lots of money. I guess it'll start with "bottom end" inflation. That is, the cost of staples and food is going to rise dramatically. That'll spark apparent deflation of funny money assets.

Many people who played the greater-fool games, like buying bitcoin or stonks, are also people with low or no income. They'll have to sell off those "assets" to pay for a $30 loaf of bread. So that'll be "deflation" of assets at the "top end" of the economy. That'll also drag down the cost of lots of durable goods like cars and trucks, especially in the used market. There will probably be a pretty big divergence between used prices and new prices, which will really favor cash buyers. The people who need to buy with credit will get ass raped.

That'll spark more money printing, too, to try to prop up the "markets" for pensioners and the government.  The deflation will be positive feedback loop for worse inflation. It'll prime more people to believe they can make a living from gambling in a casino ponzi-scheme. In Weimar, the money printing basically turned everyone into a middleman and halted productive activities. People become merchants of staple items instead of making them. The US hasn't reached that level of insanity yet, but it seems poised to.

I imagine the evil ones will try to shut down and disrupt every possible corner of production of basic items whenever they can. Stuff like chicken and beef and pork will end up being really expensive as factory farms and processing facilities close down to do the next fake diseases. Stuff like lettuce and greens will probably be pretty cheap since that's all a decentralized supply chain, but all the stuff that's produced in factories from corn and soy will probably get disrupted and expensive too.

I think the non-corporate alternate supply chain will do extremely well over the next few years. The Amish store I go to, now, for example will probably be pretty insulated from the insanity that will consume the corporate world. I think they'll also disrupt the availability of fuel of all kinds, too, if they can.

Then the inbred freaks that crafted our current failed system will come with their next scam-based economic system as a "solution" to all the problems they created.

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