Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Aristocrat Plague

It's hard to find an example of a country that was benefited from its aristocracy. The countries that have the most rigid economic and political systems are generally the most fucked. A country like North Korea is a prime example, but anywhere in the world that there's a hereditary ruling class is literally retarded, i.e. slowed down, and the population suffers in every possible way.

The aristocracy thinks its the shit in every country too.

Unfortunately, the US is turning into an oligarchy. You can blame the "ruling class" all you want, but it's really the population that's most at fault for going along with their own demise and who accepted every scam and scheme the oligarchy fed them. The amish didn't. They're like a beacon of sanity in a world of completely insane people right now.

The very same people, or type of people anyway, who brought us leaded gas are now concerned about global climate weirding. The people who thought the corporate consumer system and concepts like planned obsolescence are now worried about resource depletion.

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