Sunday, November 24, 2019

Nigger and Bear

Some scholars have speculated, by investigating the words for bear in European languages (article), that ancient europeans had a superstition about using the "true name" of the bear. The english word bear is from the old german word baer. It means, "the brown one". In Russian, the word "medved" means honey eater, and so on. The name is a kenning or like cockney rhyming slang, where there's at least one layer of indirection from the words and the actual subject, like "apple and pears" meaning "stairs", or "2x4" meaning "jew". The scholars think the true name for bear was something like "arktos", like ursus in Latin or "arctic".

I think the word "Nigger" today is a good analogy to that scenario. It's a taboo magic word. There's always some priesthood mind-fucking people whether they're babylonians, germans, jews, or whatever. Today the word "nigger" is like a magic spell. The mainstream media searched in vain for Trump uttering the word "nigger" to destroy him. Actually the very quest for the secret nigger tape was meant to discredit him as a "racist".

Today's priesthood is academics and media jews. They have their own set of superstitions and beliefs. They glommed onto the "establishment" and its institutions. There's such a  huge schism with the rest of the population that grows wider everyday. The implosion of the mass media is a huge turn in US politics, and the new destination of the nation is yet to be revealed.

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