Saturday, November 9, 2019

Contempt for the Neocons: Beatings are Coming

Lately, people have been showing up at neocon events and calling them out. The contempt that "the right" has for the neocons is total.

It's comical that some tool like Ben Shapiro will get a physical beating for promoting more war, while the previous generation of neocons his literal uncles and cousins who torched all their credibility with murder and lies, who have an ocean of blood on their hands, and who stole trillions of dollars, won't face any blow back... at least not initially.

I think the odds of a current generation YouTube neocon stooge war promoter getting a physical beating in the next couple of years is 1:1 and it'll be well deserved.

They promote realpolitik and murder and attack natural law every day, and mock its embodiment in religious beliefs, so they forfeited the protection of natural law. I think a good way to sum it up is by lying every day they became physical embodiments of untruth. That's the neocons. People like Ben Shapiro left civilization and went out into the windswept wild plains without really understanding what they were doing. The verbal attacks on them probably presage physical confrontations and violence.

All of the energy of murder and mayhem that they unleashed over the past couple of decades is coming back for them. I can smell it on the wind. When that first person lays hands on one of them, it'll uncork all that built up rage and contempt from tens of thousands of people.

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