Monday, November 28, 2016

The Resources of the Internet are Enormous

Over the weekend some researchers of "Pizzagate" dug up some 2011 vintage Andrew Breitbart tweets that seem to relate to pizzagate. Also, over the long weekend, MSM news outlets like the Washington Post and NPR ran stories to defuse the allegations that are being made by Internet researchers as part of the "fake news" propaganda campaign. Pizzagate seems like a modern day witch hunt, but one where there are modern day witches: For example, Clement Freud or Jimmy Savile.

People like Freud or Savile, or various alleged government connected pedos in the United States were safe before the Internet. Corrupted governments and systems could protect these viscous people. Toady reporters could provide cover PR stories in the media. The value of those connected networks seem to be declining rapidly relative to the power of the Internet to expose them.

The resources of the Internet are enormous and distributed. No managers or official channels exist to direct its huge energies. It would be very easy to coordinate an actual investigation into VIP pedo rings that's completely independent from "official" agencies and governments. Of course, such power is also dangerous, because it might tend to be very one sided--an unfounded accusation could destroy an individual. Similarly, a fabricated story could destroy an individual or group of innocent people.

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