Saturday, December 3, 2016

Promotion and Your Brain

The things that are important to you an your family are equally as important as the things that show up in glossy magazines or are featured on media web pages or TV shows. An occupying propaganda army sits in your brain and tells you otherwise.

Subtract the "mass media" from modern western countries and you're left with what some people refer to as traditional society. Traditional societies were the result of hundreds, maybe thousands of years of interactions of people living in the same geographical location and their attempts to resolve the various paradoxes and difficulties of human life. (Were traditional societies paradise? I doubt it.)

The decline in print media, cable TV and the rise of the Internet and media streaming are starting to dilute the ability of the mass media to influence opinion or to promote its agenda to many people at once. Things that are important to individuals and groups that don't live in New York or DC emerge on the Internet and start to elbow the once "national" media and its parochial, particular obsessions back into its own regional coastal city footprint.

It seems like YouTube is starting to take first steps in returning to a centralized mass-market approach, though. It is probably, in part, a reaction to the desires of corporate advertisers, and probably also driven by a political agenda.

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