Thursday, September 15, 2016

Theory of Frozen Tribal Conflict

The people of Europe lived in tribal societies before the Roman Empire, and after the collapse of the Roman Empire. These tribes were essentially vast extended families. As a result of living in the same place for a long time, the people of a region came to have genetic similarities. Their way of life and religious beliefs came to be an expression of their DNA.

Subsequently, all these people were pushed into nation states, and into various Empires, and most importantly their local religions were stripped away and replaced with European Christianity, which seems to be a blend of their old beliefs and an imported mystery religion, desert religion. (The thing that remains for most post-Christianity Europeans is the Christmas tree.)

An Empire, like the Roman Empire, the Mongol Empire, the Ottoman Empire, various european empires or the current Western Empire is actually the domination of one tribe over the others and the introduction of a synthetic religion that cloaks this arrangement, plus the creation of bureaucratic systems that abstract the forms of local government that flow naturally from a tribal life.

It's quite possible that so many people feel disaffected with the current Western Empire because it makes no sense to them on a genetic level. Ancient, long forgotten grudges still simmer. Wars in the middle east make sense to the grandsons of Crusaders and to the Jews, but probably not so much to some Germans or Celts.

The alt-media, and conspiracy culture tends to focus on "the Jews" as a potential cause of their woes, but don't ever look at other "white" people, having totally forgotten the tribal cultures of their ancestors, and the history of tribal conflict. Some people in the alt-media obsess on the "Jewish question".

The "Western Empire" really seems to be, though, the British Empire with the capital moved to DC/NY from London. It really seems plausible we live in Norman world; from the very beginning (Norman England and Italy), and maybe through today the Normans had multicultural societies arranged as bureaucracies and tax farms where Jewish people served in important roles, but weren't sitting on the throne.

It's possible that this lineage of Normans is consciously maintained through institutions like elite universities, or secret societies like Skull & Bones. It's also possible that it's a natural outgrowth of human behavioral patterns. Once these relationships of ruled/tax farmed and rulers are established, they can last a long time without conscious planning.

Anyway, this is a new idea for me, so I'll be exploring it a while.

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