Saturday, September 10, 2016

Trump & His Supporters

They Don't think Trump's a Puppet. They Think He's their Hammer

Hillary Clinton is a puppet. She represents some murky coalition of wealthy connected people. It's not totally clear who they all are, or how they relate to each other, but it's certain that she doesn't represent America or the average American. She's basically an employee of the Empire, and a lifetime financial system shill.

It seems like many Americans--maybe surprisingly large numbers--hate everything about that. In some cases the hatred is well informed. In others it's an emotional reaction. A large group of people is strongly rejecting the Empire and its phony puppets.

They believe Trump is going to do something about it. They believe Trump will make America America again. Time will tell if that happens, but my gut feeling is they're likely to be disappointed. If Trump wins, and fails to deliver, I think it buys time for the status quo or the establishment. However, as Trump runs into real establishment opposition, or worse, turns out to be a phony the movement will need to reorganize.

Trump's Supporters Aren't Necessarily Racists. They Just Don't Care about that Label

I think the alt groups: alt-right, alt-black, alt-jews whoever all reject political correctness cultural marxism, feminism, etc... They just don't care about being called racist or anti-semitic, so they create offensive race and anti-semitic memes, pictures and slogans mostly to demonstrate this point. The race-guilt thing just doesn't work on them. This point is totally missed by the average hand wringing old line GOP person or Hillary supporter because their brain is totally stuck in the race-guilt propaganda prison paradigm.

Of course, some tiny handful of alt people really do suck on a lozenge of hate for some abstraction of black people, Latinos, or whatever, but what's becoming very clear in this election cycle, that type of group/race hate is not confined to white people. Some people in lefty groups nurse hysterical hatred for white people. Some people are paid to cultivate those feelings.

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