Saturday, July 2, 2016

Religion, Knowledge, Preparation versus Damn Dirty Dollars

Religious ideas, that is, ideas about man and his relationship with the cosmos, are the ultimate motivators and ultimate boundaries of behavior. They completely trump man made motivators like money, and man made restraints like law. New religious ideas are kind of like a bubble, or a tuft of dandelion seeds in the wind. They enable men to float up and away from the status quo and drift away to somewhere new.

From the mythmademan perspective, ideas are where the unseen gods, the egregore, potentially get a toe hold in our world. Man's world, today, is the world of commerce and computers, which are the mini temples of the Disembodied Math God. The electronic financial system is the ghost of an electronic model of the "economy", that is men and women buying and selling and making things.

Other gods--perhaps old ones, perhaps new ones--are always reaching through the void into our world. When the institutions and customs of the world of man begin to feel stale, perhaps they have more opportunity to make contact, even through the static and noise of day-to-day life.

It's a good question if man can act and think on his own behalf and be self sufficient and live thoughtfully, or if we're always just puppets in an invisible game. If it is possible, thoughtfulness, knowledge about the world and our place in it, and wise preparation seem like decent foundations for freedom and self sufficiency.

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