Sunday, July 17, 2016

A Bridge for New Gods

The world of symbols is a lie.

Ours is a world of accountants and bureaucrats, of ledgers and laws and numbers. The imagination is polluted and paved and the connection with the gods is jammed with piles of garbage. Mind is trapped in an overcast sphere of dreary symbols instead of burning with the radiance of the Sun's light and the authors of the leaden words are mere copyists and scribes repeating old stories for the thousandth time.

We're not going to move out of the world of symbols--the lies of the world of man, or certain men anyway--into the sunlight over a road of symbols or take care of the houses of new gods with ledgers and numbers.

Writing a blog about this topic, indeed writing about this topic is a complete paradox. This is an idea I've wrestled with for about twenty years. The trick is that this non symbolic world is right out there, well it's actually everywhere even in my own brain. This world finds an expression, not in words, but actually in a different way of life where ledgers and calendar give way to goods and seasons and knowledge.

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