Sunday, October 13, 2024

American Soldiers Now Fighting On Behalf of Israel

There are US troops in Israel manning anti-missile ground batteries. A few of those guys--or maybe women--might get blown up. Eventually the maniac neocon jews are going to sucker the dopey US, and our ultra corrupt government into yet another war in that shithole. Just about everywhere in North America is better, nicer, has more abundant natural resources, and is super wealthy compared to the mideast. However, some insane larpers are obsessed with the Mediterranean world. The US plows billions of dollars of debt into dumb projects for these people. It's pure insanity.

If the US gets dragged into a war over there I'm not sure what I'll do. Do I want to keep paying taxes to support what's essentially the Vichy Government in Nazi Occupied France? Nope, I don't want to help them at all in any way shape or form.

This would be the "believer" war; maybe it will consume all the larper jews, muslim crazies, and maybe all the lunatic evangelical christians will finally enter a vortex of pure madness and destruction.

Perhaps it is time to buy gold and maybe gasoline or diesel fuel in large quantities. 

Support of Psycho Jew Plans is US Policy for 30+ Years

 The "Minister of Finance" of Israel openly discussed the belief that defines US foreign policy today. Jews in Israel want to kill all their neighbors and conquer their lands. Here's the article.

This is the core of US foreign policy for several decades. Back in the early 2000s I wondered why the US invaded Iraq. Years later Wesley Clark discussed the US plan to attack Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, and Iran and maybe a couple of other countries. It's all just for jews and their crazy schemes.

There's tens of millions of people in the countries that neocon murder jews in Israel intend to destroy and conquer. They need help from the United States to do any of that and actually control all the foreign policy apparatus in Washington at least since the Reagan administration. Is Trump going to throw them out? Is Harris? Lol. No way.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Israel Just Invaded Lebanon, but Already Occupies Washington DC

Israel just invaded Southern Lebanon and apparently plans to occupy the place indefinitely, well, as long as the US taxpayers keep paying for it and as long as the US government is run by jews.

It won't make a difference which loser clown gets elected to be "President" that situation will persist. Hardly anyone will say anything about it either, and ultimately the US will get dragged into a war on Iran, which is going to be an ultra disaster and cause a huge amount of death and destruction.

Monday, October 7, 2024

US Priorities are Dumb as Fuck

Today Texas Governor Greg Abbot is declaring some remembrance day type thing for the Jews who were occupying land they took by force from prior owners, then got killed because they were taken hostage in an ongoing conflict last year. I'm not sure what the total number who was killed or kidnapped is. I don't believe any claims about it anyway.

Every year dozens of American citizens are killed in Mexico by drug cartel violence and thousands of Mexicans are killed... but apparently that's no big deal because they weren't jews living in some completely untenable scenario in a desert on the other side of the planet.

The desert in Mexico is right across the border from Greg Abbot's state. They probably discuss the problem every once in a while on TV in Texas, but I doubt they are throwing billions of dollars to solve that issue.

Why not?

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Flooded EVs Spontaneously Catch on Fire

There's a handful of videos on youtube (link) showing salt-water flooded EVs spontaneously burning down and sometimes taking a house out with it.

The images of devastation in North Carolina where endless miles of power lines are down show how difficult it would be for people to function with total reliance of electricity for transportation and everything else too.

The people who run the western world are just dumb asses with opinions. Their opinions reflect the interests of the people who pay them bribes. These opinions are based on very narrow experience and incorrect assumptions about what's "normal" or certain to happen.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Destructive Flooding in Appalachia

There are a lot of YouTube videos covering the destruction caused by flooding during Hurricane Helene. The videos by individual youtubers are generally better than the mainstream media reporting. The youtubers can hike around, ride motorcycles, etc... and show more details. From that, it's apparent that the region will need tens of billions of dollars to repair just roads and infrastructure like power lines and water systems.

We had a severe thunderstorm sweep through northeast Ohio back in August. I rode around through affected areas on my bicycle. A couple of the roads which had many trees down across power lines had at least 10, probably more like 20 utility trucks and crews at work. The areas that were hit hardest cover maybe 10-20 square miles of the western flank of the hills west of Chardon. There was no damage to roads or bridges. Crews worked around the clock for maybe a week to restore the power grid to its pre-storm condition.

We have one bridge in my township that is currently being replaced. The crew has been at it for most of the summer and finally has a bridge-like steel structure in place. They'll probably pour the concrete deck next week. It took at least 100 days to build and was probably several months in planning.

Multiply that one bridge and one little area by 1000 and it's probably some indication of the amount of resources that will be required to restore the area affected by Helene.

Anyway, the videos about Helene offer some good pointers:
  • Pickup trucks and vehicles with some offroad capability are very useful;
  • Side-by-side type vehicles are potentially quite useful, much moreso than a dirtbike;
  • Most households need a backup generator--our whole house generator might not work in a huge disaster because it's natural gas fired;
  • Solar panels might be useful, but would probably be destroyed by a hurricane;
  • EVs are all but useless in such a wide-scale disaster zone;
  • A method to provide your family with clean water in large quantites is very useful;
  • Heavy equipment is very useful, things like a tractor with a loader are useful;
  • Politicians are worthless, political partisans are worthless people;
  • The mainstream media is bad at covering natural disasters compared to rando guys with a camera;
  • Adaptability is a key human survival trait and training that is worthwhile.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Israel: A Country Run By Retarded Neocon Criminals

Several years ago I had a conversation with a jewish dude about the neocon plans in the middle east. I told him the plans were delusional. There was no way the US was going to camp out forever in Iraq, and that war was a massive failure. If anything it was entirely counter productive from the point of view of jewish larp land since it took out a supposed foe of Iran and would allow the Shia majority in that region to consolidate power.

Netanyahoo, that fucking psycho retard, directed a speech at the Iranian people, basically begging them to overthrow their government so jewish psychos could install a puppet government and subvert and destroy the Iranian people over time I guess. The fucking retard is more out of touch than even US government officials.

The Iranian government sucks--but I doubt many people living in the middle east, whether they are arabs or persians want to live like the "palestinians" or people in lebanon, or people in Syria--all victims of psycho jew larper plans.

The people in Israel basically set a timer to their inevitable destruction when they let their crazy and incompetent neocon government run amok. The whole jew mindset--driven by a mix of hyper paranoia and hyper ego--leads them to ruin repeatedly. "I'm the greatest!/Everyone wants to kill me!/I better kill everyone else first!" Nobody else in the world is that mind fucked, except as individual mentally ill people.

The governments around Israel, who already aren't besieged now probably realize the jews are going to try to kill or enslave them, with the help of the US--as long as the US people keep putting up with jewish bullshit. People in the US only put up with the Iraq war for about 1.5 years. I doubt they will enthusiastically support an even more massive and evil war of conquest in Iran.

If there's some type of "terrorist" attack in the US that's blamed on Iran, it's 99.9% likely it's some vile jewish criminals carrying it out on behalf of their demented bosses.

East and West

The statement by Descartes: "I think therefore I am" epitomizes the western mode of consciousness. It's essentially an assertion by the Thomas Anderson character of "The Matrix" that "he" is "real" and Neo is not.

You can contrast Descartes statement with Socrates, "I know that I know nothing", that is, even after all his reasoning about the world, he reached a conclusion that the essence of the universe is not knowable via rational inquiry. That concept seems to be the core of the Daoist teaching--human reason is limited. I'd add that verbal reason is limited because the symbolic/verbal/algorithmic mode of consciousness is severely limited.

That "I" permeates western philosophy and religion. "I am going to heaven when I die!" some religious person might assert. The "I" is eternal, unchanging, and its entire history is recorded for evaluation by "god", the "I" in the sky. That notion is a delusion. Someone who gets brain damage by mechanical means or a disease or age is not the same "I" anymore. Consciousness is welded to 3D reality.

Daoism is a philosophical system that seems to be aimed at getting to the heart of this problem, at least as far as I understand it. It is an attempt to help get beyond the Socrates conclusion. "I know nothing." That is, the symbolic/verbal understanding of reality is merely a byproduct of one particular mode of consciousness.

The jewish death cults and control freak cult is built on that "I" mode of consciousness and cultivates it in others. The jewish diamond industry for example exploits the foolishness, pride and shame of dopey women and men. The jewish entertainment/fame industry exploits the desire of people to achieve some dope's version of "god" like status. Even the comedy of somebody like Jerry Seinfeld is basically a big long whine about "why am I not a god?" The mentality is all quite limited and extremely childish. It's a nihilist, serial murderer child, though, not a cute and cuddly child.

The "I" consciousness is necessarily on a one way road to nihilism and its associated behaviors, that is by reason alone, the "Thomas Anderson" character realizes "I" actually will die, turn to dust and be nothing. The attempt to achieve fame and glory as a stand-in for immortality is quite interesting. It's the ultimate keeping up with the joneses type behavior, and the essence of the midlife crisis. "Is that all there is?!" The Thomas Anderson character realizes after a life spent chasing dopey goals and scripts.

A different mode of consciousness allows the realization of "this is all there is" to be a moment of understanding and growth rather than childish frustration.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Voted for Obama, got Bush III

The last Presidential election I participated in as a voter was the first Obama election. My concept back then was since Obama generally opposed the Iraq war, he'd purge the neocons from the whitehouse.

Nope, didn't happen. In fact, the Obama administration provoked the war in Ukraine. Victoria Nuland is a jewish lady who is married to pumpkin headed fat ass neocon Robert Kagan and she pushed for regime change in Ukraine, which ultimately led to the war there now.

The neocons are a cult of psycho killers. They are mostly jewish, but there are a handful of white dudes who participate and help out in their killing sprees.

Anyway, once the US went into Syria in 2014 against American's wishes, I realized both parties, or DC in general are totally infested, and the US government doesn't actually function or promote the interests of American citizens. It's occupied by a 5th column of racial supremacists and delusional religious maniacs. "Voting" is a form of participation in this cult's antics.

That group has been plotting a war against Iran for decades. Israel is a tiny county with a small population. They can't withstand a war with all their neighbors. They need, at minimum, a huge outlay of resources from the United States, and probably will want US families to sacrifice their sons and now daughters to help some completely insane jew retards to mass murder tens of millions of people in Iran. The neocon plans are insipid and insane. It is absolutely shameful the US government is controlled by those people, probably through bribery and blackmail.

The neocons plans have been absolute failures. The war in Iraq is a prime example. The US was able to wipe out the Iraqi government and military really quickly, but was unable to occupy the country, which was the obvious outcome. The neocon plan for indefinite occupation of Iraq was asinine, and exactly what a bunch of super entitled, lazy ass dopes would come up with. In their minds, apparently, the US was going to sit there in Iraq in perpetuity, then eventually do the same thing in Iran. The war in Iraq alone saddled each US citizen with over $20,000 in debt and helps fuel daily inflation.

Was the Iraq government "good" and loved by the Iraqis? no. It was another psycho killer government, but did the people in Iraq yearn to be occupied and controlled by psycho killer jews and their American henchmen instead? No, obviously not. Iran is the same scenario, but the Iranian government is better armed and prepared than Iraq was so a war there will likely be significantly bloodier for the US troops who go to fight for their jew "master race" puppeteers. It's like going to fight on the side of Michael Meyers in Halloween.

Shalom, err I mean, Hello Fellow Americans!

The neocons are one of the major threats to humanity and pose a risk to the lives of millions of people all around the world. They got a major foothold in the US military and foreign policy apparatus during the Reagan Presidency and are still there decades later causing death and destruction.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Lead Pipes in Ohio

A guy in the Ohio statehouse is trying to get a bill passed to remove lead water system pipes all over Ohio.

How the fuck are there still lead pipes in any town's water system in Ohio?

The US pukes billions of dollars at Israel and Ukraine and a bunch of other wars year in and out, but there's still lead pipes in a state like Ohio--the seventh biggest state economy in the US. Ohio puked up a couple billion to get Intel to build a fab in the state, but there are lead pipes giving kids in the state lead exposure... What an absolute clown show!

The US will dump truckloads of money on Israel now and maybe even get into a war for jew larp land--basically because as a group jews are mega assholes that can't get along with anybody else.