Thursday, July 4, 2024

Partisan Democrats are Retarded

A few years after Obama was elected, I finally realized the President is a total puppet and both politicial parties are only competent at corruption. It took a few more years until I really purged the residue of the lies and behavioral training that scumbag politicians and media sources inflict on the public, then the democrat mafia went way over the top with the covid scam, I was completely done with the whole circus... Every national election year I just hope a small asteroid will blast DC off the map when all the national politicians are there.

I try to avoid all news about the 2024 presidential election, but I can't help see snippets and headlines about the stupid debates that are already taking place. I realized Joe Biden had soup brains in 2020--now it's soup that's been rotting for 4 years. Joe Biden shows the President is purely a figurehead. The US is run by his handlers and donors right now. Who are those people? What's their agenda?

Joe Biden's soup brain won't stop partisan democrats from voting blue this year, and won't stop them believing that "democracy" is under threat from the cartoon villain Trump. It is bizarre to me to hear full grown adults buy into all the lies they hear about Trump or Biden and "what's at stake" in this election.

The only thing either party cares about is cashing in at taxpayer expense and maybe advancing pet projects that require national level resources, like more jews incorporated promoted wars.

Neither party nor Trump represents a chance at the purging that's really required to make the US a functional representative government. The US is a corporate oligarchy that's currently managed through agencies like the CDC, EPA, FCC, SEC, etc... Corporations literally run those agencies via employees who pretend they don't work for a Bank, Verizon, or Pfizer or whatever while they have a government job. The money interests want an authoritarian style government where any competition is squashed, whether it's competition for public opinion or profits.

I think the GOP partisans are slightly wiser than democrat partisans. The republican partisans at least distrust the government and have some skepticism. The democrats are completely retarded and seem to be boosters of authoritarian measures to inflict their dumb ass ideas on everyone; a handful of those dopes continue to believe the hype around covid in spite of their personal experience. To them, being on the blue team and having the right neo-puritanical beliefs is more important than real world outcomes.

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