Saturday, July 13, 2024

Democrat Partisans Didn't Realize Biden Had Dementia in 2020

Back in 2020 it was obvious Biden wasn't playing with a full deck, but for a democratic partisan it was preferable to have no-brains Biden as President versus clown Trump.

The lefty partisan democrats are awful people. They imagine they are "superior" in some mystical way to the typical republican/right leaning person basically because they "believe" the right nonsense, and some person on TV modeled that superior behavior for them.

They're so smart, and have an expert crafted plan for everything, like how to fix global warmaids, or how to tackle the drug problems, or homeless people problems in various cities around the US... All their plans flop and fail, but that doesn't stop them from thinking they're smarter than anyone else.

All those democrats, who are so smart and superior had no clue that joe biden had a soup brain in 2020. The reason they couldn't see it is someone told them what to think about Biden and Trump. They couldn't see with their own eyeballs that the guy lost his marbles and was barely functioning as an adult man. If they could think with their own brain, or see with their own eyes they wouldn't be a partisan in the first place.

Does it matter that Joe Biden is Dementia Man? Not at all. The Roman Empire had the "bad emperors" as early as 50-ish AD, but kept on bumbling along for centuries after that. When is the last time the US had a President that wasn't just some puppet for oligarchs? Maybe McKinley? Woodrow Wilson was a total puppet. No President in my life has rolled back federal powers or the federal budget. They all carry out the same policies. The Trump/Biden years and covid show that in spades. Trump inaugurated the "operation warp speed" boondoggle/corporate giveaway, and Biden was the number one covid vaccine salesman in the world.

Anyway, how long can this all keep going on? I don't really know. I thought for sure the US is heading for a big fall for the last 12 years, but the model was it'll fall off a cliff. I think all the doomsayers who made predictions like that have been shown wrong. The fail mode is a lot different. It's more like some poorly maintained mega-structure that's starting to have obvious problems, like a leaking roof that's too big too fix properly, or some foundation/structural problem, like it's sinking on one side, but the building is still viable. Someday it'll be condemned, but it might be 20 years until that happens.

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