Thursday, May 30, 2024

Why Do People Think the Jewish Mythology is "True"?

When I was in middle school, one of my classes covered greek mythology for a day or two. Nobody in the class, not the teacher, nor any of the students treated the material as true or historical. From the start it was framed as fantastical, fictional stuff. The jewish bible though gets completely different treatment, even though many of the biblical stories are cribbed from the same source material as the greek myths or are perhaps a knock off of the greek myths sort of like "Turkish Star Wars" was a knock off of the original.

One of the great examples is the story of Deucalion and Pyrrha and the flood. Zeus gets mad at men and destroys the world with a flood and only two people survive on a boat. The same concept shows up in all sorts of mythologies, including the jewish mythology in the bible. Many people think the bible story is literally true. Some people think it's folk memory of ancient floods following the ice age. Some people think it's astrology based stories about celestial ages. I could rattle off a list of explanations I've heard--really nobody knows. At best, though, it's some kind of folk tale exactly like the greek mythology.

Another one is the stories of Prometheus and Epimetheus. Cain and Abel are a knock off of that story. Another obvious one is Pandora's Box, which is the Adam and Eve story. Each of these stories contains some core elements that are repeated in various mythological systems. The characters have different names. The fantastical objects of the stories vary, but the core concepts remain.

Many "european" descended people, even today, regard the bible as historical verbatim "truth" even though their ancestors had different myths and they even understood those stories had parallels with say greek or roman mythology in the classical world. There's ancient reports of the germanic people associating Odin, for example, with greek Hermes/roman Mercury.

It seems plausible that ancient germanic peoples understood their gods as anthropomorphic representations of mystical forces. Their folk stories are pretty sophisticated and interesting compared to the greek or roman mythology. The story of Mimir's well, for example, or Odin and the runes are somewhat enigmatic with more nuanced and layered meaning. The stories of the greeks and romans and jews are pretty ham fisted and kind of "official".

How is it possible that europeans got suckered into the same type of "belief" scams that possibly plagued the ancient mediterranean peoples--that is an assertion of some type of official "true" story repeated endlessly by conmen priests?

Those scams seem to require infrastructure and associated machinery of the parasitic civilization of the classical world and near east, for example, mega-buildings like cathedrals and large government buildings and sets of officials and priests in gay dressup parties. It's pretty fucking pathetic that the europeans got suckered into feeding the matrix.

Anyway, back to the original question: why did the europeans come to "believe" in jewish stories and forgot all their own? What was the flaw with the european people that allowed an alien predator parasite priest group dominate their minds for 1000+ years?

I really don't have an answer. Another way to frame this question is to look at these type of beliefs as a side effect of certain patterns of human settlement and ways of life. Once there's a city network and agricultural economy, people start to get trained and hypnotized by people like priests or advertisers and just end up believing all sorts of nonsense that keeps the matrix going basically. If people weren't prone to believing such scams, there'd be no cities and the associated infrastructure like cathedrals or churches.

Today the infrastructure like cathedrals is the entertainment industry and news media. That shapes the public consciousness and keeps people doing things that are completely contrary to their personal well being. Institutions like public schools train people to work for corporations like drone slaves of bygone eras. If you read about corporations like Amazon and how they treat employees, it's just astounding this system keeps on going when nobody likes it.

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