Sunday, May 19, 2024

"Right Wing" Supporters of Israel

I see some Israel flags hanging from houses in my 99.9% white dude county. I assume there are some jewish people who live here, but not many, and I've never seen an Israel flag hanging from a house here until recently.

Why are people hanging the flags on their homes if they're not jews?

I have dropped off social media completely over the past year or so, unless you count youtube as social media, so I'm not up to date on the daily lies and narratives spewed by corporations, governments, and the like anymore, but I noticed a couple of headlines and some video titles on youtube that suggest a plausible explanation for the israel flags on white dude houses.

It looks like the narrative from the zionist jews is that "the left" supports the Palestinians as part of wokeness, rather than they dislike a government murdering thousands of civilians and stealing their stuff. I guess some "right" leaning people always want to jump on a side against the "woke" commies.

Guess who the woke commies are and where communism came from? A whole shit pile of jewish intellectuals and psychos who murdered millions of people in the 20th century. So you get to "choose" sides between jew mafia A and jew mafia B if you want to "join" a side.

Are all jews in the jew mafias? Of course not. In fact I think the jew mafias show how being an ethnic booster is pretty retarded. Kurt Vonnegut had a fake word "granfaloon" that described the madness of being part of a group like that, which springs to my mind all the time because it's so common.

It boggles my mind that the "leaders" of these jew mafias have their propaganda on blast 24/7 and have been doing that for thousands of years, not only on their own people, but on anyone who would listen to their insanity. However, once you see the lies, it's very obvious and absurd.

I assume there's other ethnic and religious groups spewing narratives all the time as well, but it's orders of magnitude less than the jew mafia propaganda. I recently chucked their bible into the trash and it felt quite good, but that's a minuscule fraction of all the lies that people are exposed to their whole lives from all sorts of sources. I think it's all but impossible to be as cynical as the world of lies warrants. 

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