Tuesday, February 7, 2023

What Is the War in Ukraine Really About

There's an AP report that says Putin struck some type of agreement with a former prime minister of Israel to not kill the leadership of Ukraine. (link)

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — A former Israeli prime minister who served briefly as a mediator at the start of Russia’s war with Ukraine says he drew a promise from the Russian president not to kill his Ukrainian counterpart.

Who knows if that's true? However, if it is, it's not really a "war" at all. If it was a war, and the leadership of Ukraine was in the country, they would have been a prime target. Russia probably could have snuffed them out easily, but didn't. Many experts thought Russia was going to steamroll Ukraine, but they didn't.

In fact the conflict has been going on for a weirdly long time, and it's cost a huge amount of money. It seems plausible that much of the money for "aid" for Ukraine has been stolen by local politicians, and international figures as well.

Why would Russia drag out the conflict? A whole bunch of Ukrainian men are being killed "defending" what they think of as their country. I think though, they're being scammed into getting slaughtered by fecklesss corrupt leadership.

It's not a war, it's something else. Obviously I have no way to know for sure, but the "war" story makes no sense at all.


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