Saturday, January 14, 2023

The Covid Vaccines are Trash

 There's a paper on a longer term, large study of the effectiveness of the covid vaccines on medical professionals at the Cleveland Clinic. It shows, slam dunk clearly that the vaccines do not work at all. The data are presented clearly, then there's a discussion obfuscating the very obvious conclusion. I guessed that the vaccines don't work at all based on what I observed with friends and family.

The chart shows that more doses of vaccine = more likely to get Covid. The best scenario is no covid vaccine. When I initially saw that, I thought perhaps the demographics of the people with the most vaccines explained why they got sick more often, but the paper says that's not the case. The population studied was generally young and healthy. The vaccines are just plain garbage. There's less than no upside to them.

Now, slowly but surely the evidence that the vaccines have potentially dangerous side effects will start to emerge. There will be endless propaganda about it, though, and it will probably take years for the general public to realize how they were conned. I don't think there will be a mass rug-pull event. It took 60 years to ban leaded gasoline.

I hope lots of employers get wrecked for forcing people to take the vaccines. Some lawsuits are just going to trial now. Over time it will turn into an industrial scale wrecking ball as the spineless dopes that got pushed into taking this garbage seek retribution. I hope some act out with extreme violence against managers and executives.

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