Thursday, January 26, 2023

Pfizer Exec Says they are "Directing" Covid Mutations

I'm suspicious about Project Veritas. It seems like a pretty good way to promote scripted reactions in segments of the US population. All their candid camera interviews could be staged and faked. Who knows? In the world of lies, it's probably best to assume everything is fake. Today, Veritas released a video interview with a Pfizer executive who says the company is basically breeding covid viruses in a lab.

If that's true, it's beyond criminal. Pfizer is a clear and present danger to millions of people and has engaged in something transcending mere fraud and homicide.

I am guessing absolutely nothing will happen as a result, that is, nothing from government agencies or officials: the US federal government is totally corrupt and incompetent.

If anything is going to ever happen to reset the system, it's going to be mass action from randos. That will only happen after multitudes of people have nothing to lose. 

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