Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Why do Europeans Care About Israel?

When I was about 12 years old, I went to a Catholic church event with one of my middle school friends at the time who was catholic. I don't remember much about the event except for a movie we watched about Moses and ancient "Israel". It struck me as odd, even back then, that anybody in that room should care about Jews in the desert.

Why did the Bible become the book of European people? The story doesn't make any sense at all.

The catholic church went around Europe with the medieval kings and force converted people to their brand of religion. The church was a jewish institution. Christianity was a jewish religion. It's very weird that the Kings of europe decided to force feed that to their people.

There's two plausible explanations for it, as far as I can see. One is that Jewish Christianity was useful for the kings and the church was sort of like the MSM of its day. The other is the aristocratic families of 500s Europe were Jews.

Who can really say for sure?

Europeans have been getting brainwashed by jews for centuries. Jews have been too, of course. The modern day european jews have as little to do with Israel as any random european or american person.

It's pretty fucking weird.

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